Beyond two souls the party
Beyond two souls the party

beyond two souls the party

Terry then camouflages herself as Piet Mondrian's style on a sign advertising the Modern Art Exhibit at the New York Museum just as she creates a portal to capture Joe and send him back to the Great Before. She then opens a portal for Joe to fall in only to find out that she caught Paul instead, sending Paul back to the real world just as he ends up being frightened by her upon looking at Terry on a bag of potato chips telling him to stay away from possessed foods. Terry arrives in the real world at the hospital's monitor, where she plans to look for Joe undetected. Terry then approaches Jerry A and B explaining to them that she is looking for Joe Gardner on Earth, to which she plans to go to Earth to find him, much to the Counselors' warning about people in the real world. Terry then continues looking into the files to know if she can find Joe Gardner, to which she continues planning to find him and return him to the Great Before. Terry then enters her office to look into the files to fix the problem. Jerry A asks Terry to figure out the problem in counting souls, to which Terry decides to follow the Counselors' task.

beyond two souls the party

All five Counselor Jerries appear in front of Terry using her soul counter to know how many souls are in the Great Beyond. She then enters the Great Before and alerts Counselor Jerry A that the soul counter is insufficient, explaining to her that 151,000 souls enter the Great Beyond every day while explaining that her job as an accountant helps Terry keep track of souls that enter. Terry first appears talking with Counselor Jerry E, explaining that a soul is missing in the Great Before. Later in the film, Terry is seen easily distracted by a Jerry, who quickly resets the accounting in order to avoid a repeat of the same affair. However, the sudden calamitous arrival of the lost soul of 22 (with Joe in close pursuit) prompts Jerry to revoke the trophy. She eventually manages to find Joe and 22, and is awarded (by request) a trophy for her duties. Obsessed with her quota, Terry convinces the Jerries to let her venture outside her jurisdiction to the Land of the Living to try and find Joe and bring him back. However, she hits a snag when newcomer Joe Gardner abandons the pathway in order to try and make it back to the Land of the Living. Terry's job is to count souls that go from the Great Before to the Great Beyond. The only reason why she pursues Joe is because she notices that her soul count is off, and intended to correct it, thus showing that she is only trying to do her job. Despite being the main antagonist, she is not depicted as evil. Terry is a very hard-working and perfectionist accountant. So, when Joe Gardner takes a detour to The Great Before, Terry is determined to make things right. Each Jerry does their best to tolerate Terry, whose obsession with The Count can be burdensome-especially when it's off. Terry is a peculiar extension of the team of The Great Before, charged with the singular duty of keeping track of the entrants to The Great Beyond.

Beyond two souls the party